HEADSTART FASHION: Talents and crossover in the fashion industry – 3

Fre 29. april 15:15
[Danish Language] HEADSTART FASHION inviterer til et seminar i flere dele, hvor der vil være mulighed for at høre om modefilm, crossover, talenter, modebrands m.m.  


The brand Peter Jensen has since 1999 moved from niche to established, with over 150 stockists worldwide. He is known for a mastery of colour and print, including the signature rabbit motive. ‘’I would like to talk about my world, in all its weirdness of talent, money and working with my so-called muses. There is nothing more connected with the art world and the normal living person as fashion’’.

Meet: Peter Jensen/Owner, Peter Jensen (DK). Moderator: Ane Lynge-Jórlen/Fashion researcher and curator (DK).

Præsenteres af HEADSTART FASHION, VIA Design & SPOT+

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