Tårn & Moses: “Andreas”

Fri Apr 29th 19:45
Photo: Stanko Lugonja

Tårn and Moses:”Andreas” will merge their to concerts at SPOT Fetstival into one.

Tårn is playful Danish guitar-pop that draws inspiration from the dreaming melodies of psych rock. 2015 was a great year for the band as they performed on the Rising stage at Roskilde Festival as well as a sold-out Bremen Theatre in Copenhagen at the “Nye Toner”? event where they were presented by Blaue Blume. Their success hasn’t gone unnoticed, and Tårn was recently signed to the NMS label.

Songwriter and vocalist Andreas Odbjerg and sound designer and producer Moses Fiellau are behind this ambitious and self-proclaimed pop project. With Shaka Loveless & Xander Linnet as co-composers, Moses: “Andreas” create electronically founded R&B pop where Andreas’s captivating vocals and down-to-earth lyrics are the center of Moses’s hyper-intelligent and tight productions.

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