HEADSTART FASHION: Talenter og crossover i modebranchen – 1

Fri Apr 29th 14:10
[INT] HEADSTART FASHION invites to a seminar in several parts. You have the opportunity to hear about fashion film, crossover, talents and fashion brands etc. ”HEADSTART FASHION: Talents and crossover in the fashion industry – 3” is the only english presentation in this seminar.

[Danish Language]Crossover og talenter i modebranchen sætter fokus på, hvad crossover betyder for modebranchen, talentudvikling og forbrugerne.

Mød: Maria Mackinny-Valentin/Lektor, Kunstakademiets Designskole. Moderator: Ane Lynge-Jórlen/Modeforsker og kurator.

Præsenteres af HEADSTART FASHION, VIA Design & SPO

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